Health IT Resiliency Experience with Rasu Shrestha | - Health IT Expo and Conference

Health IT Resiliency Experience with Rasu Shrestha


Healthcare organizations have faced so many challenges amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.  As we all battle through these challenges, we have the opportunity to “adjust our sails” and use COVID-19 as an opportunity to become more resilient and better position our organizations for the future.


At our November Experience, Rasu Shrestha, MD, MBA, Executive VP & Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer at Atrium Health, will explore how health IT professionals and healthcare organizations can confront reality and reimagine the future of healthcare.  Rasu will provide a look at the “next normal” and share specific ideas on how you can build a resilient organization across both people and technology.


Join Rasu and the health IT community as we engage in a deep discussion of health IT resiliency and how healthcare organizations can reimagine the next normal.


These FREE experiences aren’t meant to run in the background or be listened to later.  Instead, every aspect of this Health IT resiliency event provides opportunities for attendees to engage with speakers, other attendees, and leaders.  Take a look at the unique schedule for the event happening November 12, 2020 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM ET:


  • 12:00-12:30 PM ET – Keynote Presentation + LIVE Interactive Chat with our keynote speaker, Rasu Shrestha (we’re channeling Lin-Manuel Miranda and how he engaged with the audience while streaming Hamilton)
  • 12:30-1:00 PM ET – Post-Keynote Analysis Discussion (similar to a TV after show, think The Bachelor’s After the Final Rose)

      Panelists include:

– Richard Corder – Managing Director at TiER1 Healthcare
– Sunnie Southern – Vice President, Health and Life Sciences Division at Onix Networking Corp


  • 1:00-1:30 PM ET – Call-in Show. Hop on camera or submit your questions and join the discussion on our 30 min call-in show
  • 1:30 PM ET – Virtual Reality Networking After-Party (web browser based)

Join for the full event or even part of it. Knowledge sharing, friendly banter, polite disagreement, and sharing new perspectives with attendees are all encouraged at the series.  Not to mention, ample opportunities for side discussions and connecting with other attendees through private messages, public chat, social media, and the virtual-reality after party. Each one are what makes the experience so amazing.  Basically, all the things you’d enjoy doing at an in-person event.




A massive thank you to our sponsors who support the work of healthcare organizations to become more resilient.  Plus, they understand the value of health IT professionals engaging in purpose driven experiences like the series.  If you’re looking at how you can build a more resilient organization, take a minute to connect with our sponsors:



We only have two sponsorship spots left for the November event.  If you have any questions about the experiences or sponsorship, reach out to us on our contact us page.


Join us and be part of our special health IT community!