Former Healthcare CIO Panel: Lessons Learned & Insider Tips | - Health IT Expo and Conference

Former Healthcare CIO Panel: Lessons Learned & Insider Tips


Our September 22, 2021 Experience features an unscripted panel with former healthcare CIOs sharing “Lessons Learned, Insider Tips, and Things I Couldn’t Say Before as CIO.


If you’ve ever talked to a former CIO, you know they’re some of the most insightful people because they can share the real insights and challenges associated with being CIO. Their years of experience can help us learn from the past and improve the future of healthcare IT.


At the last event we learned from an amazing panel of former hospital CIOs including Sue Schade, Drex Deford, Abdul Bengali, and Marc Probst.



This panel of former CIOs shared their past experiences so we don’t repeat the same mistakes again.  Plus, have the opportunity to connect with the health IT community and engage on the most important topics in facing healthcare today.  Following the panel, we’ll add a group of industry experts to expand on the discussion and answer all your questions.


These FREE experiences aren’t meant to run in the background or be listened to later.  Instead, every aspect of this Former Healthcare CIO Panel event provides opportunities for attendees to engage with speakers, other attendees, and leaders.  Take a look at the unique schedule for the event happening September 22, 2021 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM ET:


Join for the full event or even part of it. Knowledge sharing, friendly banter, polite disagreement, and sharing new perspectives with attendees are all encouraged at the series.  Not to mention, ample opportunities for side discussions and connecting with other attendees through video chat, private messages, public chat, and social media. Each one are what makes the experience so amazing.  Basically, all the things you’d enjoy doing at an in-person event.





A few sponsorship slots are available for this virtual series event.  Check out the sponsorship options and reach out to us on our contact us page for more details.


Be sure to check out our full virtual series as we continue to add future events.  If you have any questions about the experiences of have topics you’d like to see us consider for future events, reach out to us on our contact us page.


Join us and be part of our special health IT community!